Grid Poems
Vol. I

In collaboration with the brilliant poet, Brian Isett, Grid Poems Vol. I is a collection of 45 poems on hope, loss, and expectation. Part mathematical formula, part Polaroid snapshot, each poem expands with re-reading to reveal a small, living universe embedded in the page.

What is a grid poem?

A grid poem is a 3 x 3 arrangement of lines written to allow two different readings: left-to-right, and top-to-bottom. This allows subtly, or drastically, different perspectives to emerge from the same text. Part haiku, part Sudoku, the full poem is only revealed through re-reading and exploration.

Narrative Glyphs

An illustrated system of narrative glyphs accompany each poem, offering a third, purely visual exploration of the text. The glyphs were carefully structured along the same grid system the written poetry lies on. They in fact, form the negative space of said grid, and intend to visualize the most reductive image possible to allow for multiple interpretations.


“Stark and intriguing poetry book…”
— AIGA Eye on Design

Live Readings

To accompany the release of the book, a group of illustrations were selected to bring to life. These works were animated, then projected during the reading of each poem.










John Soat

John Soat

John Soat

Brian Isett

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View a Sample  →

We are available for in-person readings in New York and San Francisco. For any inquires about distribution or publishing please email



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